Guilt and the arc of the moral universe



There’s A Crack in Everything- That’s How the Light Gets In May 2020, midst of our Covid plague, as I sheltered place front my television screen, observed televised murder a black man by white policeman charged with serving and protecting public. could not believe what was seeing own eyes. Of course, had been cognizant injustices that seemed intrinsic to status quo, but day existence tended dismiss them “yes, but…” Yet something experience watching George Floyd being murdered “the law” on national broke through, left me an “Oh God, have we done” reaction only were doing African Americans, “American we” done native Americans who lived here for thousands years before us. Over past few word “woke” has achieved currency awareness crack American myth liberty justice all recognition country built foundation racism remains embedded structure. late, term become invested (some might say infected) intense affects stirred up culture wars characterize contemporary life. As psychoanalyst, love term. The idea achieving heretofore out reach reminds another word, insight, that's part psychoanalytic from its earliest days. Insight can help us make sense inner lives give shape way live them. Similarly, “wokeness” history holds potential it according Lincoln called better angels nature.” course requires face demons, painful truth origins perpetrators slavery genocide, ways which perpetuate racial “othering” society. It's perfect describe horror murder. “I” speaks through this paper is Jewish male born post World War 2 baby boom, looking backwards forward at universe heightened awareness. For me, most aspect awakening guilt comes recognizing degree I've benefitted quo pulls like undertow, away pole toward other side moral universe. When first encountered line hottest places hell are reserved those who, times great crisis, maintain their neutrality,” (attributed Dante, actually paraphrase mouth John F. Kennedy) thought “crisis” referred external events. But now began think “moral crisis” state mind. gap between one aspires be. much life, Otherwise, would be hard go on. Now some light forced in, wondered do feeling how long turned off. wonder psychology reflected processes society large. That, think, decided write paper. process writing, learned attempt turn rumination into productive thinking grappling psychological problem social theorist Michael Rothberg (2019) calls “implicated subject,” cannot escape responsibility engaging iniquities provided so many benefits. My ideas occur context current work relational psychoanalysts attempting provide bridge social/ethical position subject” analysts respect inevitability enactments search create spaces repair. will more about later, want highlight outset excellent volume essays assembled Kabasakalkian-Mckay David Mark (2022). While consider myself member “relational school,” expansion understanding possibility (Jessica Benjamin particular) obvious relevance explorations Despite abundance evidence contrary, there human inclines wanting people. compass extends far back prehistory (Graeber & Wengrow, 2021, pp 208–209), shaping shaped particular one's lifetime. Consider these words sermon delivered abolitionist minister Theodore Parker 1853: “I pretend understand arc one. eye reaches little ways. calculate curve complete figure sight. divine conscience. And see am sure bends justice.” 1968, Parker's incorporated Martin Luther King, Jr. speech entitled “Remaining Awake Through Great Revolution.” Years Barack Obama, America's president, sewn his oval office rug after highest land. every movement direction justice, indeed reversed itself. war followed remarks within decade retrograde South Jim Crow laws decade. Within week echoing remarks, King assassinated. Obama's promise hope change sharp nativist forces political landscape eerily frighteningly reminiscent pre -World II Germany. Too often, days, get eerie I'm world eyes grandparents. On both sides family, they watched Eastern European devolving chaos made leap hoped life themselves, children, further down line, me. At such “so must This repeating itself.” repeats itself keeps itself, despite academic philosophical arguments whether “seems” or “is” situation. don't exaggerating events led than sharing same that, Faulkner put it, never dead-it's even past.” Read novel, watch play, listen podcast-it's there. Again. extent just getting old revisiting repetitions, including extend across generations. am, all, age stage previously occupied grandfather when came world. Psychoanalysis teaches share genes preceded suspect he's taken residence somewhere object world, manner anxieties values generation transmitted next. Repetition very heart individuals. It quite naturally then, student others, apply patients (including they've able teach psychology) try historical unfold around recognize individuals makes seems well beyond scope empirical science gold standard academia. Freud himself widely criticized social-anthropological works basis. time, denying feel deference norms community conventions creates whole different set problems familiar with, rather err scale privileges saying sees. After story activity time. To collective historic consequences follows choices, behaviors, pain inherent living, worthwhile societal repetition relate kind Our constructs we, living lives, trapped character structure readily applied species, stars extent, ourselves? Greeks wrestled question theatrical form known tragedy notion “tragic flaw,” prevents fulfilling aspirations. witnessing tragic elements unsettling humanity share. What Oedipus discovered during plague afflicting Thebes rings bell hear today. universe, space should typically admixture Guilt Shame. These dysphoric grow symptomatic proportions, feature many, if most, clinical mental illnesses. Psychoanalytic treatment grew efforts suffering wake role internal “cracks” played genesis symptoms. Early on, became aware manage contradictions “Character Structure.” traditional Greek wisdom destiny” (Heraclitus) found easy translation ambition “structural change” opening possibilities structures held back. call “Character” analogue commonly “Status Quo.” nature evident anyone tried initiate change. sum total oppose change, point coalesced order stability necessary Just children require stable families up, members depend predictability inhabit lifetimes. seem odds each other. Another putting depends having others haves nots. One implication affairs successfully take adult requires, degree, accept it. fact, acceptance situation said define maturity. That is, price adulthood compromise stability. painfully visible vantage youth tend less problematic immersed build careers raise encounter appears hypocrisy adolescence becomes, adulthood, “accepting reality,” but” upon rests. way, socialized “Implicated Subjects.” concept best translates “Disavowal.” used protect ourselves potentially traumatic perceptions (in contrast “repression,” refers banishment unacceptable internally generated thoughts feelings). comprehensive review, Basch (1983, p. 135) characterizes thus: disavowal “a defense available need preserve reality-testing function conflict perception significant environmental reality traumatic. Unable simply away, formed attempts serve pleasure principle. accomplished bringing ego split, arm acknowledges reality, while repudiates meaning substitutes fantasy protects individual anxiety he otherwise face. Disavowal»» defends against anxiety-provoking counterpart repression, repression directed similar demands instincts. Disavowal ubiquitous whose presence indicative pathology, general specific.” always struck notable wrote main articles (Splitting Ego; Freud, 1938) knowing 1938, Nazi danger doorstep impossible overlook without sleight hand “yes-but” provides. Indeed, haunting relevant questions posed Holocaust been, did majority Germans happening midst? Dachau short 10 miles Berlin. any decency close horrors? large groups intelligent people disregard see? But, mentioned above, worst possible. know better. like, KNOW disavow. 145) points act response can't allow perceive let light: “Clinically speaking, ««disavowal»» involves separation personal perceived judged provoking. Although ‘meaning’ multiple referents, psychoanalysis speak percept use refer dispositional power us, cause do. examples given show, happened affect view person's background circumstances, expect mobilized evidence.” Without perceiving injustice, bend claim favor. acknowledge enable disavowal, major risk. Extrapolating experience, stories emerged depth treatments, risk assuming burden overwhelming guilt. Here learn classical theory. central throughout centrality Freudian understandable Freud's Judaism's emphasis laws, sin punishment. formulations maladies “defense neuroses.” contribution dynamics illness metaphoric expression (which no doubt ancient already nature). Rex waking complicity afflicted community. heal community, learns sent gods punishment murderous transgression. His pursuit criminal leads him himself. too see, blinds destructive aspects fruition time acquaintance destructiveness self others. Let's pause look thought. Like cohort WWII boom generation, period relative progress optimism. Austria recently opened her doors emigres welcomed opportunity secular embraced freedom, allowed entry appeared tracing justice. emerged. entered 60's, knew descended War. killing epidemic PTSD injury,” real (the Spanish Flu), largely forgotten until (Covid) brought memory. atmosphere, understandably, pessimistic. pessimism number concepts developed 1923, Freud’s mind include unconscious, punitive tendency superego. metapsychology, inciting harsh superego produced signal resulted repression. technique focused attenuating harshness facilitate adaptive reconciliation id- truths accept. working healthier defenses, especially sublimations. times, observed, patients’ conditions paradoxically worsened following expressions hopefulness satisfaction progress. phenomenon, oedipal oedipus’ “negative therapeutic reaction.” “Every partial solution ought result, does improvement temporary suspension produces exacerbation .... There sets recovery dreads approach though danger. We accustomed got upper over desire health. If analyze resistance usual way—then, subtracted defiant attitude physician various kinds advantage patient derives illness, greater still over; reveals powerful obstacles recovery, ones narcissistic inaccessibility, assumption negative clinging advantages illness. end come dealing may 'moral' factor, guilt, finding atonement refusing penalty suffering.” (Freud, pp. 49–50). last several decades theorizing, focus source psychic replaced vicissitudes connection attunement. Perhaps dramatic shift expressed Heinz Kohut, spoke difference vision “Guilty Man” “Tragic (Kohut, 1977, 132–133). Kohut fresh highlighting thwarted ambitions shattered ideals resulting failures empathy cast shadow deadened once recognized, addressed ameliorated. Kohut's importance empathy, attunement fit child researchers learning early development, relations theorists discovering “pre-oedipal,” two -person field. advances liberating effect therapeutics. consciousness dimensions inaccessible, closing off instances remain clinically relevant. particular, remains, fundamentally useful ourselves. societies, histories tell trajectory *During education, took 1990's, concept” viewed archaic. appearance, admired teachers, “false self,” defects overlooked, leading failed treatments blamed analyst's failure understanding. clearly observation, it's incomplete view. originally placed Oedipal Period, related triangular conflicts male's fear castration father. Later Melanie Klein (1948) located developmental struggles infancy, aggressive drives mothers whom libidinally attached. infantile this, ambivalence, lies splitting projection onto destructiveness. Winnicott expanded reparation development capacity integrate feelings (Winnicott, 1960). Winnicott, facilitated mothering environment withstand aggression loving, offers “contributing in:” ): “In favorable circumstances builds complex ambivalence. infant experiences because consumes mother lose her, becomes modified fact growing environmental-mother. confidence contributing environmental-mother, hold anxiety. altered quality guilt.” 1963, 104). childhood progresses, encounters parental authority, gratify punish rules developing discern. struggle rules, parents struggle, carry punishments expect, unconscious identification, adulthood. (It bears along by, imprint contradictions, i.e., espouse follow) (i.e., failings). Entry means entering relation non-parent arena rules. beings another, find contend desires rules/values govern societies sustain Society function. prime example ambivalence taxation societies. Nobody likes pay taxes. trouble don't, outside guilty consciences didn't. introduced additional element characterizing unbearable cruel quality. breaking horrifying administered punishments, internalized accompanying lead self. sadistic emphasized psyche performs keep management cultures worthy subject study right. exists cultures, takes stamped culture, determined also emotion (Etxebarría, 2000). province organized religion, monotheism. Religions control, seen theocracies factor maintaining quo. Those challenge often Gross transgressions crimes), removal incarceration. group challengers established order. They prophets, whistle blowers, “enemies people” criticism, ostracism, crucifixion speaking power, themselves full weight avoid. (Perhaps group, why profession impossible.) effort distance religious grown align scientific enlightenment associated (How successful debate, appreciate psychoanalysis, institutions epistemology, asks “take faith.”) achievements religion draw insights psychodynamics heavily upbringing. Yom Kippur, atonement, provides ritualized holding angry God abeyance introspect, gaps, address realistic (Teshuvah). road “where id was, shall be” second theory “Inhibitions, Symptoms Anxiety.” cultural anthropology (Future An Illusion, Totem Taboo, Civilization Its Discontents, Moses Monotheism) reflect irresistible temptation shapes Toward “Death Instinct” appreciation serious doubts future humanity. Discontents frames flow competition eros 1930) states winner, overall tone pessimism, final we're paying attention, placing benevolent form) disadvantage, preventing exercising tempering influence impulses. attend grasp emotional significance fully develop Disavowal, subsequent dovetailing cognitive dissonance confirmation bias. “vertical splits” disturbance. complements providing conceptual umbrella operates (at least, West) monotheistic theories, Tragic Guilty perhaps c

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عنوان ژورنال: International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies

سال: 2023

ISSN: ['1742-3341', '1556-9187']